
Thigh lift surgery can help you achieve the sleek, contoured thighs you’ve always wanted. Learn more about the procedure, including the risks and benefits, from the experienced plastic surgeons at Tran Plastic Surgery.


Thigh lift or Thighplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that reshapes your thighs by eliminating excess skin and fat, resulting in a more defined appearance. Additionally, it alleviates the pain and irritation caused by the constant rubbing of your thighs.


  • You are at a Relatively Stable Weight

Thigh lift surgery is most suitable for individuals who have maintained a relatively stable weight. The ideal candidates for this surgery typically have loose skin around their thighs due to significant weight loss. It is advisable to maintain a stable weight for a period of time prior to the surgery. If an individual regains the lost weight and subsequently loses it again, the skin may become loose once more, counteracting the positive outcomes of the surgery.

  • You Have Excess Soft Tissue

Most individuals pursuing thigh lift surgery possess surplus soft tissue along their lateral outer thigh region or the medial inner thigh. Apart from tightening loose skin, this procedure involves the removal of excess fat. With a significant amount of fat to be removed, liposuction of the inner or outer thigh can accompany your thigh lift.

  • You Have Realistic Goals

To be suitable for thigh lift surgery, you must know its limitations and what results to expect. If your only issue is in the upper inner thighs, you’ll need a medial thigh lift to take out fat and tighten the skin there. An inner thigh lift is for loose skin in the lower inner thigh.

If your concerns are the thighs’ front and outer sides, another thigh lift type is necessary. Sometimes, a thigh lift alone can’t achieve your goals, in which case you might need a body lift, encompassing the whole thigh and buttocks.

  • You are in Good General Health

To qualify for a thigh lift, you have to be in good general health. If you are actively battling an infection or are severely ill, you’ll need to wait to have this procedure until you’re feeling better. Some medications impact the procedure’s outcome. You must avoid taking specific medications in the weeks leading up to it.


The benefits of thigh lift surgery include:

  • Smoother, more toned thighs: Excess fat and skin can be eliminated with thigh lift, resulting in a smoother and firmer appearance of the thighs.
  • Increased confidence: By undergoing thigh lift surgery, you can achieve an enhanced sense of self-confidence about your physical appearance.
  • Relieved chafing and discomfort: Loose skin in the thigh area can lead to rubbing and make you feel uncomfortable, particularly if you’re putting on tight garments. Thigh lift surgery can diminish or eliminate this discomfort.
  • Improved appearance of stretch marks: Stretch marks can occur due to pregnancy, weight increase, or other variables. Upper leg lift surgery can help enhance the look of thigh stretch marks.
  • Reduced risk of skin infections: If you have excess skin on your thighs, it can lead to moisture retention and bacterial proliferation, which heighten the possibility of skin infections. Nevertheless, getting thigh lift surgery can help curtail such risks.


Every surgeon has their own special skills to handle different cases and get the best possible patient outcomes. However, there are some general rules that should always be followed.

The cut is usually made in the front near the groin area extending towards the crease between the buttocks and inner thigh and down the crease of the buttocks. This incision will form the scar after surgery.

In certain cases, another vertical cut, either short or long, on the inner thigh may be necessary to get rid of excess fat.

To tackle loose skin while minimizing visible scarring and achieving a pleasing appearance, excess skin is removed and the remaining skin is tightly stitched to the fascia of the thigh. This scar is hidden within the skin folds making it hard to see.

After the surgery, the incision area is generally bandaged with elastic bandages or compression stockings to support the newly contoured area and maintain ideal positioning.

The average length of surgery is around 1 hour and 30 minutes depending on the surgeon’s skill and the looseness of the skin. However, the most important consideration should be ensuring the safety and effectiveness of the procedure for the patient.


Thigh lift surgery (Thighplasty) is a surgical procedure, thus meticulous attention to your health, pre and post-operative care, and thorough rest are essential to ensure safety and optimal outcomes.

5.1 Before Your Thigh Lift

Thigh lift surgery can dramatically improve the appearance of the upper legs, resulting in a more toned and youthful look. However, meticulous preparation is essential to ensure a successful outcome. Here are some crucial aspects to consider.

  • Consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon:

This is the most crucial phase – Choose a surgeon who is highly experienced and skilled in thigh lift procedures. Arrange a consultation to discuss your objectives, expectations, and any medical conditions you might have. The surgeon will assess your eligibility for the procedure and outline the different methods available.

  • Quit smoking and avoid blood thinners:

Smoking can greatly slow down wound recovery and increase the likelihood of issues. Quit smoking at least six weeks before the surgery and talk to your doctor about any medications you are taking that may interfere with blood clotting.

  • Maintain a healthy weight:

It is important to be at a healthy and constant weight before thigh lift surgery. Rapid weight changes after the procedure can jeopardize the results.

  • Stop taking certain medications:

Herbal supplements can potentially increase bleeding risks. It is essential to discuss with your doctor whether you should discontinue taking any medications before the surgery.

  • Manage underlying medical conditions:

If you have certain health issues, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease, it is essential to manage and keep them under control before undergoing any surgical procedure. Failing to do so can potentially increase the risks associated with the surgery.

  • Arrange for post-operative care:

Before your surgery, buy comfortable loose clothes, compression garments as suggested by your surgeon, ice packs, pain medicine if prescribed, and any other supplies you might need to recover.

  • Stock up on recovery essentials:

Prior to your operation make sure you have comfortable, loose garments, compression garments recommended by your surgeon, ice packs, pain relievers (if prescribed) and any other supplies necessary for your recovery.

  • Prepare your home environment:

Keep your house tidy and free of things that could trip you. Be sure there’s a comfortable area where you can relax and elevate your legs.

  • Have a healthy diet and stay hydrated:

To ensure a speedy recovery, it’s essential to maintain a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Staying hydrated is equally important, so drink an ample amount of water before, during, and after your surgery.

  • Get a good night’s sleep before surgery:

To facilitate a seamless and swifter postoperative healing trajectory, prioritize securing a restorative night of rest in the immediate lead-up to your forthcoming surgical procedure.

To enhance the odds of a fulfilling thigh lift, adhering to these measures is crucial. Open communication with your surgeon is key throughout the process, to address any questions or concerns, thereby ensuring a positive result.

5.2 After Your Thigh Lift

Here are some specific tips for a smooth recovery

  • Take your pain medication as prescribed. Taking your pain medication as prescribed will help to keep your pain under control.

  • Prioritize Rest for Optimal Healing. Make sure that you get a sufficient amount of rest to provide your body with the time it needs to heal and recover.

  • Raise your legs. Raising your legs will help reduce swelling.

  • Place ice on the incisions. Doing this helps to reduce swelling and pain.

  • Make sure to take care of your surgical wound as your surgeon instructed. Clean and dress the incision according to your surgeon’s directions. Be patient as it takes time for the wound to heal.

The majority of people who undergo thigh lift surgery can resume normal activities within six to eight weeks. However, it is essential to pay attention to your body and rest as needed.

Here are some additional tips to help you recover from thigh lift surgery:

  • Maintain a Balanced Diet: Promote Healing Through Proper Nutrition.

  • Maintaining Adequate Hydration: A Crucial Aspect of Health and Well-being.

  • Refrain from smoking. It can hinder the healing process and result in increased risk of complications.

  • Engage in regular exercise. Upon receiving clearance from your surgeon, partake in regular exercise to expedite your recovery.

Adhering to these guidelines can greatly enhance the likelihood of a smooth and prosperous recuperation from your thigh lift surgical procedure.


6.1 What Is the Recovery Time for a Thigh Lift?

It generally takes about two to four weeks to recover. Consequently, you will need to take some time off from work and refrain from doing strenuous activities during the first few postoperative days. Knowing our surgeon’s expectations for your recovery is important. That way, you can set goals that are achievable, and you won’t be discouraged if your progress takes longer than anticipated.

6.2 Does thigh lift surgery leave scars?

During thigh surgery, Our approach centers around reducing the excess skin and fat deposits that contribute to sagging and improve body contours. Additionally, scar positioning is strategically planned to take advantage of natural skin folds, resulting in a final outcome where scars are effectively concealed.

6.3 How Much Does a Thigh Lift Cost?

The price of thigh lift surgery can differ depending on the chosen hospital and surgeon. The doctor will advise you on the cost of the surgery based on your health condition and expectations to guarantee the most appropriate expenses.

Call (714) 839-8000 to discuss payment options with TRAN PLASTIC SURGERY experts.

6.4 What are the risks of a thigh lift?

Deciding to have thigh lift surgery is very personal. It’s crucial to assess the benefits, risks, and complications involved.

Your plastic surgeon will explain any risks associated with the surgery and ensure you understand them fully before signing consent forms.

Some risks of thigh lift surgery include infection, skin sensation changes, persistent pain, skin discoloration, skin loss, visible sutures, unfavorable scarring, and other possible complications.

Discuss all your questions with your surgeon before consenting to the surgery.


Dr. Tran Anh Tuan

“I grew up in California, but I traveled a lot to gain a global perspective. Later, I moved to Berkeley to study science and humanitarianism.

Following my mother’s footsteps, I went to medical school in Boston and got an MD and MBA. I completed my residency at Loma Linda University Medical Center, where I developed an interest in reconstructive surgery. I then trained in plastic and reconstructive surgery at the University of Miami.

After finishing my training, I realized that my passion was to be a surgeon who can treat various conditions. To further my skills, I pursued a hand fellowship at the University of California, Davis.

In 2017, I started my own practice, Tran Plastic Surgery, in Orange County. My practice specializes in various surgical procedures, including facelifts, eyelid surgeries, rhinoplasty, and hand and upper extremity surgeries.”


California offers various clinics for thigh lift surgery, but careful consideration and choosing a reputable facility is crucial. TRAN PLASTIC SURGERY stands out with its dedication to exceptional care. Its experienced doctor, advanced technology, dedicated staff, and modern equipment ensure clients receive well-informed treatment and desired results.

California offers various clinics for thigh lift surgery, but careful consideration and choosing a reputable facility is crucial. TRAN PLASTIC SURGERY stands out with its dedication to exceptional care. Its experienced doctor, advanced technology, dedicated staff, and modern equipment ensure clients receive well-informed treatment and desired results.

To book an appointment at our clinic, you can call our HOTLINE, schedule directly through our WEBSITE, or book through our FANPAGE.
